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classification and coding systems中文是什么意思

用"classification and coding systems"造句"classification and coding systems"怎么读"classification and coding systems" in a sentence


  • 分类和编码系统


  • Health informatics - categorial structure for classifications and coding systems of surgical procedures
  • Health informatics - categorial structure for classifications and coding systems of surgical procedures
  • Health informatics - categorial structure for classification and coding systems of surgical procedures ; english version en 1828 : 2001
  • Through systematically defining the constructing elements of coding system , this paper pointed out the drawbacks of current part classification and coding systems and established flexible classification and coding system for mass customization
  • Firstly , this paper introduces briefly the concept and the methods , then it expatiates systematically the wbs " development and application etc . for developing the wbs scientifically , the paper studies the information classification and coding system in projects
  • Several key reuse - based techniques , as well as the design and implementation of the system , in the development of component information classification and coding system ( ciccs ) , are studied in this paper , such as component coding structure model , developing pattern based on component / framework , design of the classification method , half - layered software architecture model , component variation point and its implement mechanism
  • At first synthesized professional branch and graphical symbols of coal mine geology and survey , mainly including point , line , region and so on , and then classified and coded the geology and survey information entity by different professional layers and formed a classification and code system based on gis
    摘要综合煤矿地质测量信息的专业特性及信息表示的几何特征(主要包括点、线、面等) ,按专题图层对煤矿地质测量的实体对象进行分类与编码,形成了一套基于gis的煤矿地质测量信息分类编码体系。
用"classification and coding systems"造句  
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